The City of Newcastle is known for a robust culture of volunteerism. It's easy to participate in your community. The following groups regularly volunteer in the city:
— Newcastle Trails: Newcastle Trails is a nonprofit organization focused on the preservation, expansion and maintenance of the city's vast trail network.
— Newcastle Historical Society: Newcastle Historical Society is a nonprofit organization focused on the celebration and preservation of Newcastle's history and its people in order to ensure this legacy is passed on to future generations.
— Newcastle Arts Council: Newcastle Arts Council is a nonprofit organization focused on making the arts come alive in Newcastle through community projects, regular programming and special events, and public art installation.
— Friends of the Newcastle Library: The Friends of the Newcastle Library is a nonprofit organization that exists to support the library by raising funds, community outreach and soliciting members of the community to join in support of the library.
— City Commissions: Residents play an important role in local government by serving on commissions or as volunteers on various advisory committees to make Newcastle a better city. Members on the Community Activities Commission and Planning Commission are appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the City Council. When there are commission vacancies, the city will announce it on its website and social media and solicit applications from the community. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Visit these links to explore other opportunities to get involved in your community and region:
Issaquah School District
Renton School District
Communities in Schools of Renton
Issaquah Schools Foundation
United Way of King County