The Surface Water Utility is funded by bonds, grants, and surface water management fees (SWM Fees). The current SWM Fee schedule and budget allocations can be found in tables below. Answers to frequently asked questions about SWM Fees are also provided.
Current SWM Fee Schedule and Allocations

SWM Fee Discounts
The qualification process for the discounted residential rate uses the same King County process for property taxes. The qualification for a property tax exemption is based on ownership, age, and income for the preceding year. Ratepayers must meet three requirements to qualify:
- Own the residence as of December 31st of the prior year of the benefit tax year (e.g. 2022 benefit tax year must own by 12/31/2022)
Age or disability
- Born in 1960 or earlier (61 years of age by December 31st of the prior year of the benefit tax year)
- You are disabled or a vertern with at leaset an 80% total disability rating.
- You may also qualify if your deceased spouse or registered domestic partner had an exemption at the time of death and you were at least age 57 that year.
- For an exemption on your 2022 property taxes, your household income was below $58,423 including Social Security and other sources (RCW 84.36.383(5)) (e.g. 2022 benefit tax year based on 2021 income)
Residents can apply online or mail in a paper application.
For more information on SWM Fees check out our 2020 SWM Utility Rate Study.